3 Questions to Navigate Fear

Originally Posted Jan 28, 2016

Within every element there are particular set of requirements that need to be met in order for that Element to function and thrive.

Upon first glance these requirements may appear to be common sense and not look to carry the weight that one might feel necessary to consider. But they are.

Every Element has their own set of requirements, and in order for the areas of your life that are affected by that Element to go well, this list needs to be reconciled and be felt taken care of.

Water is considered the lowest and deepest on the scale of energetics of all of the elements. In comparison Fire is the highest. This means that when we contemplate and embrace all of the parts of Water we may find ourselves navigating our most deepest fears.

From a Chakra viewpoint, The Water Element embodies our Root Chakra, it evokes our fight or flight patterns of survival, as well as our capability to adapt and evolve to our current life's stressors.

Depending on our circumstances, we may feel as though we are under constant attack or uncertainty, provoking immense fear.

In order for us to fully work with these energies we must constantly navigate our safety and security. Without these feeling reconciled within our bodies and our minds nothing else matters.

If you are a Water Element or have any water in your chart than these requirements will carry much more weight than to those that don’t have a lot or any in their chart.

But on a human level, we all must interface with these questions at one point or another.I wanted to make this easy for you to do. I encourage you the next time you are with your journal, or spending some time being with “Water” in the bath, walking in the snow, making yourself some tea, try contemplating these questions.

You never know what might be revealed.

Key Requirements for the Water Element

1. Am I Safe?

Consider every aspect of what Safety means to you in this current phase of your life?

(Physical, Emotional, Spiritually, Financially, Relationship etc.)

Who is expected to fulfill these areas of Safety?


Someone else? If so who?

If it’s someone else are these expectations being voiced?

2. Is My Future Secure?

What area’s of my life contribute to me feeling as though my future is secure?

(physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially, relationship, etc)

Who is expected to fulfill these areas of Security?


Someone else? If so who?

If it’s someone else are these expectations being voiced?

3. Do I feel reassured?

You may have answered this question within the inquiry of the other 2 requirements but if not here is your chance.

Within every element there is an opportunity to look out to the world to gain back a perspective or level of support from another person, institution or entity (often its by observing the very element in it’s natural state.

Who or what provides you with reassurance that you are Safe and Secure?

XO Ashley


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