A Few Of My Favourite Things

Originally Posted June 30 2016

It’s summer, it’s Fire time and if I’m completely truthful it’s not really a time that I like to write.  I have a hard time getting my words down on paper.  Everything wants to swirl this way and that and in a lot of ways I just have to let it happen. 

When I do have the moments of clarity to get things done I’m using it to pull together the remaining pieces of The Embodied Alchemy Method so that it can be released in just a few short months.  Click here to sign up and be the first to know when that happens. It’s actually a bit daunting how much there is still to do and so I feel it necessary for me to be a little isolated with my head down.

Naturally this type of cocooning during the Fire Season actually supports my Alchemy, where so many other individuals that have their Fire burn differently find this the time to connect and collaborate, I’ve learnt to accept that this is just my way.

With that said, you may hear from me a little less over the summer months.  I do hope to pop in with some writing every few weeks at least but I’m going to let the inspiration bubble up instead of forcing it, (who know's it will still be weekly).

For now, I’m off to the Lake with my boys all of next week and hopefully unplugging for much of the time.  If you want to stay connected during that time come play with me on Instagram as I will likely be posting our adventures and naturally E will be making some appearances over there.

Before I sign off I wanted to delight in inspirations that the Fire Element can bring and share a few of the things that I’m currently LOVING and allowing sparks to fly. 

So here we go.

Late last year Rochelle Shieck launched her line Lifestyles Of Reverence and I have fallen in love with the Gold Warriors of the Divine Kimono, I actually included it in part of my most recent photoshoot which you can see above.

As for Jewelry, I am often seen wearing one of two things.  Mala’s either in necklace form or wrist made by my friend Bri over at www.preciousmalas.com or wearing my Pound Jewelry Rainbow Moonstone Pendulum that Rochelle Gifted me at my last Qoya retreat.

I have a million and one sets of oracle decks but the one I’m using the most these days is Nature’s Whispers Oracle Deck.  The artwork is gorgeous and the affirmations are short and sweet and serendipitously on point every time.

I’ve been giving up coffee, which isn’t really a big thing for me but I do like a warm cup of something while I write so Red Espresso, a caffeine free Rooibos tea with almond milk is making that transition very smooth.

The books I currently have on rotation are The Heroine’s Journey by Maureen Murdock and Playing Big by Tara Mohr.  Both Genius, I’m actually re-reading both of them.  Something I rarely do.

And the ones that I can’t wait to get my hands on are Love Your Lady Landscape by Lisa Lister being released July 5th.

I’m a few weeks behind, though completely intentional.  Because we’re essentially housebound after 7:30 each night during our vacation due to E’s bedtime we binge watch OITNB every year at the lake.  Can’t wait!



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