Blessings For Solstice

Originally Posted Jan 7, 2019

Today in the northern hemisphere we celebrate solstice. The darkest, longest night of the year.Its the most yin, and with it the most potent opportunity to drop into the dark and mysterious to convene with your soul.

The energy might feel a little heavy, its different from the fire and spirit that we celebrate at summer solstice and because of that it might feel a little foreign. But its here that your senses heighten and your inner knowing can emerge.

To honour this moment, I like to spend some time both with reflection of all that has happened this year, what I surrendered, where I grew and finally with my BIG DREAMS. You know the ones…

They feel so with they kind of catch in your throat and possibly too big to share.I write them down or say them allowed, casting them out to the universe and prepare myself to fully submerge into the Water Element.

Notice at no point did I talk of plans. I do have exercise for that but not on this day.Plans belong to the Wood Element and here in the depths of Yin, your big dream belongs to Water. Here… While some of pieces of my Big Dream have a sense of of direction and objectives that I can follow and do.

Theres a lot of the Big Picture that I have absolutely no clue on how I’m going to make it so.And because of that, my WILLING it to be will more than likely have me more than 2 steps back from where I started. I know this because its happened oh so many times.

And in doing this over and over again, when I can step out of my own way for even just a second I realize that every time I’ve done this, I’ve missed the magic that this time and this phase of the manifestation wheel has to offer me.

You know when someone says, I thought I wanted ABC and instead ended up with XYZ and its so much more than I could of asked for or ever dreamed up for myself.


If your willing to not hold that Big Dream, so tight, being open to the course corrections and steady steps that sometimes makes no sense at all.

It might not be the step you want, but it will be the one you need and with it an ocean of resources will be provided to support you.

If I hadn’t experienced it myself and witnessed it so may times with patients and clients I would be rolling my eyes.

But for this moment, for just today I invite you to suspend your disbelief if its present and acknowledge your BIG DREAMS what ever they may be.

Write it down, put something on your altar that symbolizes it, share it with me. Do what feels good.

And then be open to receiving your next steady step to start leading you towards whats meant to be.



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