Best Exercise for Fertility

Originally Posted March 27, 2014

Working with my clients, one of the first questions that come up is around exercise. What can you do? How much can you do? What’s the best type? What will help you get pregnant faster? There is so much confusion out there on what is safe while trying to get pregnant. My answer to this question always takes them back a little.

How do you LOVE to Move?

The reason I ask this question rather than prescribe a specific method of movement is that the most important thing to remember when it comes to exercise and fertility is that it should be fun and you LOVE the experience. That doesn't mean that you aren't working up a sweat, I just can’t imagine doing an exercise, hating it and thinking that it’s doing something for you. I would NEVER work out if that’s what it meant.

There is no one way to exercise to improve your chances of conceiving, what is the most important is you do something. Exercise is helpful to:

- Improve your mood,- Boost your metabolism,- Reduce stress,- Improve your energy,- Improve your sleep,- Open your meridians and allows for Qi Flow (from a TCM perspective)

All of these among others positive side effects will help to balance your hormones and improve your fertility. If you aim for moving your body 30 minutes each day, you’re good, if you want to do more than that great!

You can Dance, Yoga, Pilates, Run, Lift Weights, the possibilities are endless.

A misconception by many women is that once they’re starting to try and get pregnant or in their first trimester they perceive themselves as fragile. This viewpoint inhibits them from participating in the activities that make them feel good and often leaves them sitting on the couch waiting for a baby to come through and feeling lethargic, insecure about their body image, and missing out on something. The fact is you can do pretty much everything you did before you started to try. The most important thing to remember is moderation and checking in with your body, honoring what it requires. Every day may look different, during your period you may feel that a walk around the block and some light stretching is all that is necessary, while closer to your ovulation you may have more energy and a run, Pilates or a game of soccer feels like just the thing to do. Have fun with it and try to not over think it.

Allow the energy and heart’s desire to direct and guide the movement. You won’t go wrong.

My one caveat to this outlook is; getting in shape and creating the body you desire is a beautiful thing, go for it, the healthier and more in shape you are will allow for a healthy and fit pregnancy, however, 6 pack abs and 18% BMI is not what we’re going for right now. You abdomen is going to expand, and your body will become more soft in pregnancy, let this happen. There is a time and place for this type of physique if you desire it, when trying for a baby its best to put those goals to the side. Use this time to try new things and see all of the ways your body can move.

So get out there, and have some fun.

In the comments below, tell me what are you doing for exercise right now?

XO Ashley


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