Whats Wheat have to do with it?

Originally Posted March 13, 2014

If I could offer one suggestion when eating for fertility that could dramatically improve your chances of getting pregnant it would be…..

Give Up Gluten

A collective Ugh… is probably being exhaled at this moment. I get it, but it’s the truth.

Gluten free diets are everywhere, every bookstand, wellness site, coaching blog; you just can’t get away from it. This isn’t just because it’s trendy; there is legitimate concern when it comes to eating wheat and its various cousins. We are no longer eating our grandma’s grains. It’s been changed, mutated and the result of this is that more people are either walking around being undiagnosed with celiac disease or have some form of intolerance. The numbers are skyrocketing and it’s my perception that the percentage of our population with sensitivities will continue to rise and its consequences to our health will too. With that said you may still be wondering why this matters to you and how does this affect your fertility or pregnancy.

The answer to this question lies in those that are already experiencing infertility issues.

> Unexplained infertility is 10 times higher in individuals who are celiac and aren’t adhering to a gluten free diet or are undiagnosed.> Recurrent pregnancy as well as those experiencing fetal growth restriction is also higher in those who are undiagnosed celiac or have gluten intolerance> Women with untreated celiac disease often experience shorter reproductive cycles and early menopause> It is now recommended that women experiencing difficulty getting pregnant with no known biological cause or unexplained recurrent miscarriage be screened for celiac disease.

Even if you are just at the beginning of your journey to pregnancy and baby, I urge you to consider making this change now, so that you can cross one possible inhibition to your dream, off your list. It may save you month/years of heart break and possible loss. In my own clinic experience I have had countless patients make just this one change and they have been able to fall pregnant easily and carry their baby’s to full term when they haven’t been able to before.

The issue with gluten is that if you have even the slightest sensitivity let alone full blown celiac disease it creates inflammation. Inflammation wreaks havoc on your body’s tissues and organ systems. On a cellular level Inflammation is allocating your bodies resources to be in survival mode. The immune, nervous and organ systems are all in the mode of trying to protect themselves from any damage, the body can’t prioritize your reproduction at the same time.

An unfortunate fact when trying to navigate whether or not you are sensitive, intolerant or celiac is that the testing for these issues is extremely inaccurate. Many individuals experience false negatives and continue to go undiagnosed. The easiest way to figure it out is to Try It. Eliminate Gluten for a few weeks and see how you feel. Do you feel better, do some of those annoying symptom’s you experience on a daily basis go away? Then introduce gluten back, do you notice a difference. Is your brain a little fuzzy, did your headache come back, are you carrying more water? The best way to check how this experiment works is to make notes on how you feel each day. Most period/fertility apps on your smart phone will allow you to do this.

If this suggestion gives you some resistance, take your time, lean into it. Experiment and allow yourself to be curious. There are tons gluten-free alternatives that make for easy substitutions. Check out Pinterest for ideas and take a walk through your nearest Whole foods or local grocery store. There are so many great resources and products out there that will allow you to enjoy your favourites in moderation and eat great healthy meals to fuel and nourish your body.




Happy Birthday Baby E


When your Soul List is more important than your To-Do List