You want to write a book.

The idea of it might feel like a gentle tapping on your shoulder or a nudge from within, or if this feeling has been here for a while its as though a sledgehammer is about to ram itself right through the middle of your life and turn everything upside down if you don’t get going. Either way, the feeling isn’t going away. This is your soul and the universe telling you it’s time.

You can’t put it off anymore.

This is your initiation to becoming a writer and an author.

Your soul is no longer willing to hang out in the background. It wants you to take centre stage in your life and lead. To embrace your innate gifts and zones of genius and implement the ways in which they weave together with new opportunities to empower your voice and write your book.

Your readers are waiting for your words.

The time of fantasizing about one day when you have the time to sit down and write is no longer going to cut it. You’ve have to choose to put yourself out there and get started.

This is where I come in. Together we will co-create space, time and strategy to allow you to begin. From outline, content creation all the way to document preparation for your editor we can get your writing project and dreams launched.

Writing a book can be a lonely process. With private mentorship it doesn’t have to be.

I’ll be your cheerleader and your sounding board

  • Get Clear on who your audience is and how to best speak to them with your words.

  • Empower you to let your authentic voice emerge and permeate your vision so that you can be an authority in your field and own your work and process.

  • Get feedback on your chapters, what’s working, what’s not to bring about a completed draft that you can be proud of.

  • Choose the best publication strategy for you and your brand. (Traditional or Self-Publishing) Moving forward with confidence.

  • Create supportive rituals and tools to support you in being healthy, happy and thriving while you write.  The days of the tortured artist are over. This can be fun.

All of this and SO MUCH MORE is available to you when you step into the alchemical writing mentorship container with me.

My Work Is A Blend Of:

5 Element Philosophy

A powerful modality of Elemental typing to pinpoint your 5 Element Alchemy and identify your innate strengths and requirements to understand “why you are the way you are”, so that you can stop sabotaging your efforts with plans and strategies that don’t support your unique way of being and embrace the ones that do.

Coaching & Mindset

Writers block is a thing! Soulful strategy and implementation to clear blocks and misalignments in your writing. Assisting you to take empowered action in trusting your creative process and the words that want to flow through you.

Alchemical Healing Work

Writing a book is going to change you. We create space to make the unconscious, conscious through energy work and soul inquiry processes to release limiting beliefs and behaviours, awaken your intuition and unleash your greatest potential.

A Hint of Chinese Medicine

Chinese Medicine support your whole being by embracing the power of energy (Qi) and nature. Utilizing nutritional and herbal medicines, flower essences, essential oils, acupressure and gentle lifestyle changes to help bring about harmony and liberation of your authentic expression.

This Writing Mentorship is best suited for individuals that work within the self-development and healing arts and are wanting to either self publish or pursue an un-agented path in traditional publishing.

If your feeling a whole hearted soulful yes arising from within telling you that YOU WANT THIS.

Here’s How We Can Work Together

Send your Writing Mentorship Inquiry via email to ashley@ashleyabbbs.com to check availability.  I only take on 2-3 writing projects per year.

Please include your topic of interest, the intended format (memoir, self-help, novella) and where you’re currently at in your project (beginning, in the weeds, or almost there and seeking next steps for publication).

I will respond to your request within 48 hours of receipt of your inquiry with further information and my availability.

Not Yet Ready for This Level of Support But Want to Get Started

Check out my self-led program Sacred Words to unleash your creativity and initiate your writing practice.