Centering with the Earth Element at Equinox

Originally Posted Sept 22, 2021

The mornings and evenings are starting to become cooler here in the Northern hemisphere and with it the Earth element is guiding us back to our centres.

The Earth element governs the transition of each season into the next, however the time between summer (Fire) and autumn (Metal), known as late summer in Chinese Medicine allows Earth to take a little extra time to help prepare us for the journey inward to convene with our soul a little more deeply.

To both celebrate all of the fruits of our labour that are ready to be harvested, and also set intentions to support transformation and the evolution of our becoming during the next growing cycle.

To do this, Earth invites us to renegotiate our centre, calling us to be in integrity with our soul and present to the here and now before we journey onward. You can't set out in a new direction without first taking stock of where you are at this very moment.

Often its the subtlest of shifts that need to occur that will create dramatic change that supports us to thrive and manifest our desires out in the world. One of those shifts is to reorient ourselves to be the centre of our own lives.

Seems obvious, and yet, after all of the years that I have worked in the healing realms, I can tell you it's not the norm. To put everyone else's needs, physically, mentally and emotionally first is our general mode of operating. To put oneself first, seems contradictory when we speak of the Earth element, that exemplifies the great mother archetype, except when we do this, we're actually speaking of the wounded mother and an imbalanced Earth.

The Earth element when in balance, is able to tend to ones needs and also have the capacity to care for everyone else, so pulling back is not about withholding love and attention to those that we love, but instead recalibrating us to do it with integrity. Where you also bestow that same love and affections onto yourself.

This little (kind of big) shift is how you move the needle forward in not just getting a little self care in during your day, but is actually the first stepping stone to creating monumental transformation in your life. To have your outer world reflect your inner desires and dreams. It all starts with YOU.

During this weeks equinox and the transition from one season into the next, I invite you to contemplate one action that supports you in putting YOU in the equation of your life where you are the priority.

It can be anything:

Journaling, a morning/evening ritual, movement, daily gratitudes or affirmations, time spent outdoors with nature, time set aside in your calendar for you to daydream.

Feeling stuck? Start with these journal prompts?

How would taking time for myself support me in achieving my current goals?

What is currently preventing me in prioritizing myself, my goals and the time that I need?

XO Ashley


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