Letting Go to Create the Conditions

Originally Posted Oct 22, 2021

Its officially Autumn here in the northern hemisphere, the beginning of the Metal Element and every other instagram post on your social media account is telling you to LET GO. "Just like the leaves on the trees."

This invitation is not wrong, however I do believe that it's way more nuanced than just deciding to let go. Maybe a minor grudge, a few items in your closet or the need to always win an argument. Sure let those go, they’re taking up physical and mental bandwidth that you just don’t need to waste your time on.

But when were talking about letting go and liberating yourself from habits or beliefs, just deciding it so, is probably not going to set you up for success long term. That thought or action will eventually show up and old patterns will prevail. Truth is, you’re going to have to dig deeper than that.

You’re going to have to ask yourself WHY?!

One of the Core Requirements of the Metal Element is to evaluate meaning and have purpose. Without it, what’s the point. Results will be short lived and superficial. When we use nature as our guide it's important to clarify the purpose of what we witness. Why do the trees lose their leaves every autumn?

They are creating the conditions necessary for them to go inward for and enter their dormancy. The leaves would make their boughs too heavy when the snow comes and they will break. At this point in the season, the leaves are not the priority, fortifying their centre and protecting themselves that supports their eventual expansion in the spring is. The leaves are merely clutter at this point in time.

So now its your turn.

Why and what are you being invited to let go of? More importantly, what is the clutter? Physically, mentally, emotionally? These are the low hanging fruit actions and choices available to you that will help you create the conditions for your growth and evolution.

What it's not, is probably the big limiting belief or habit that is hanging out there in your awareness. That thing you’re desperate to change that you can get a sense of what surrendering it would feel like. Absolute bliss and freedom, YES PLEASE! Though it's likely isn't going to fall by the wayside here. At least not yet. Not in the decluttering stage.

Once you’ve “let go” of the extra’s that don’t need to take up bandwidth in your head. It's now time to jump in and let your yearning for transformation to take the lead. This is the portal to your inner work. It's the material that you're being invited to go inward with, explore your edges and become intimate with it and your relationship to it. In time, with devotion and support, the potential to liberate you to experience it differently is possible.

We just need to create the conditions that will support you to do just that.

If journalling is your thing. Start with these prompts, or take them into your meditation and see what comes through for you.

How can I set up the conditions to support my growth and evolution?

What clutter is ready to be let go of to support me?

What pattern/belief/identity is initiating me to deeper inner work?

Why? What would liberating this part of myself mean to me?

What supports do I need to help me?

And then the journey begins.

I would love to know what comes through and what you’re prioritizing in this season of your inner work.

XO Ashley


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