Embracing The Pivot

Originally Posted Sep 9, 2022

The 5th Season is upon us here in the northern hemisphere, governed by the Earth element we experience the incremental shifts in the energy from yang to yin.

Cool crisp mornings and warm yet comfortable afternoons, and in the fields and gardens the harvesting of fruit, grains and vegetables that are now ripening at a quickening speed is occurring.

This very same energy is pivoting within your body and mind. It’s subtle, but with a little bit of awareness you can notice the settling of energy. The sparks of ideas and inspiration that ran wild and free over the summer and Fire months are starting to quell. Only the most potent remain and here in the realm of the Earth element they're now asking from further curiosity, intention and devotion to keep them burning bright.

This is important.

While the pivot provides an invitation to set intentions, routines and a path forward into a whole new cycle of growth, its also very easy to ignore.

Complacency can quickly draw you in at this time of year, “there’s only a little ways to go until its a new year, that’s when I’ll make a change or do the thing.” The Earth Element craves consistency and comfort and so it can easily talk itself into decorating a rut. Putting off change for another day and a more boisterous time in the year.

Except here in the dirt, with the Earth Element is where we prepare the soil for a new crop, sow the seeds for the future that we may not yet fully see or know the outcome, to step even just one step out from our comfort zone and sing the desires of the heart to commit them to our flesh can have an impact beyond our knowing.

The Earth season is the time to set intentions and mother our own ideas and desires as we would mother those of others.

XO Ashley


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There is power in naming it