There is power in naming it

Originally Posted July 27, 2022

Back in May on the eve of my 41st birthday I grabbed my journal, some oracle decks and sat in the silence.

I had been feeling off, having just recovered from neck surgery and I really needed to put my finger on what was my next steady step.

As I sat in the darkened house my soul came up to meet me on the page and wrote.

"You Are An Artist.”

I re-read this sentence over and over letting it settle into my body and my nervous system more each time.

I’ve long shied away from this title of calling myself an artist, but instead of pushing it aside as I had done in the past, I let it wash over me and acknowledged all of the ways that this was true.

I’m an Artist! My medium is an acupuncture needle, words, a pen and paper, sometimes paint, in what seems a lifetime ago skates.

I am an Artist in the treatment room with my clients,

I’m an Artist when I write.

I’m an Artist when I draw, sketch or paint.

I’m an Artist when I move.

It’s just a word, and/or a title and yet, acknowledging this part of myself has changed so many things in my world.

The most profound is that I’ve made space for my creativity.

Its no longer relegated to the dining room table every now and then. But instead I have an actual space to let the images in my head make their way to a canvas.

Alongside physical space I’ve also prioritized time. Creativity needs time. Time to create and time to just be in moment, to reflect, pause and take in ones surroundings. Taking advantage of the summer and having a few less commitments, I’ve made the choice to have space in my calendar to delve in to the ebb and flow of my creativity.

It has been absolutely healing and soul affirming in the most unexpected ways. I’ve written more, I’ve have renewed inspiration in the treatment room and I’ve finally finished a piece that has been rattling around in my brain for the better part of two years.

The power of naming it is something that I’ve witnessed in my clients and readers of 5 Element Alchemy too. Naming and declaring their 5 Element type has had a profound impact for them. Especially when they're at a cross roads and questioning what comes next.

Naming and proclaiming your type is an initiation. The Elements and their medicine provide this gentle and intuitive guidance system to reveal your next steady step and a bigger vision of what opportunities lie in wait for you, if you let them.

In 2 weeks we are gathering to deep dive into the 5 Elements and your Alchemy to assist you in creating a life you love by embracing your strengths and supporting the areas that are calling you to grow.

Its 5 weeks of soul affirming info and a tremendous amount of love and care in service of you meeting your most empowered self expression. We would love to have you join us!

For Details and Sign Up information Click Here.

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Embracing The Pivot


You Have To Choose It