Honour Your Inner Fire

Originally posted July 30, 2014

It’s Hot!  At least in Calgary it is….

I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with the heat, on one hand I love the sun, its energy and intensity stirs me up,  inspires my creativity and creates openings for new possibility.

On the other, I don’t actually like being too hot, I'm more of a cool weather fan, that’s probably why I spent the better part of my life in an ice rink.  I remember on really hot days in the summer coming into the rink and just lying on the ice for a few minutes to cool down before putting my skates on, LOL.

With that aside, connecting to the heat and the energy of summer is the perfect opportunity to connect to the Fire Element as it occurs in nature and within us.

Here’s a brief synopsis of the Fire Element if you aren't familiar with it.

The Fire Element ascends to the top of the hierarchy in the Five Elements (FIRE/EARTH/METAL/WATER/WOOD) during the summer months and operates at its peak intensity allowing for the perfect opportunity to honour its strengths and transform change.

Of course the colour that best symbolizes Fire is Red and its core emotion is Joy and Love.

Within our body, the fire element resides in the heart, you hear it in our laughter, it reveals itself in our eyes and is felt when we love or receive love.

The Fire Element embodies expansive movement and blossoming creativity as it flickers outward from its own centre.

You can feel this movement within your body when your heart leads, its desire flutters up and out from the chest up to the eyes to be seen.  When you embrace a loved one your arms are an extension of your heart as you draw them close and when you are enjoying the company of your friends and family the laughter and connection is infectious and refuels our soul.

Fire is Fun, Free and operates at the highest vibration energetically of all the elements.  It’s important for all of us even if we aren't Fire Dominant that we have a healthy dose of fire burning bright.

Sometimes we let our fire burn too fast and furious trying to do too much causing our fire to burn out, or circumstances in our life have not provided much opportunity for us to allow for joy and celebration and our flame is barely visible.

NOW is the perfect time for you to stoke the flame and come back to balance.

My favourite ways to honour my Inner Fire are:

- Wear something Red, or better yet put on some Red lipstick (takes 1 minute, and my absolute favourite way to honour my fire)

- Spend some time in the Sun and soak in the rays and the heat.  (Be responsible with this of course)

- Buy yourself some Red Roses and place them at your desk or where you can see the often.

- Call up a girlfriend to meet up, talk, connect and LAUGH.

- Laugh on your own.  It might feel weird, but laugh for one minute (you will feel awkward at the beginning and the laughter will feel          totally fake but by the end it will be real and the expression will change your whole day)

- Break one of your rules/routine. (Can I say Soul List)

- Connect with your partner put your agenda’s aside and get lost in each other’s eyes.  (See what happens)

- Play, do something silly

- Stand in front of your mirror, place your hand over your heart, look into your eyes and say out loud “I LOVE YOU

Alright there you have it; I invite you to do at least one thing today that connects you to your Fire within.  It possible, that after you do the first one you might want to do a couple more, because it feels SO GOOD!




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