If I Rush It I'll Wreck It

Mar 3 2016

There's a restlessness starting to stir. I can feel the Wood Element Energies beginning to emerge.

There are moments when I feel like I'm chomping at the bit.  "Let's get on with it already."

But somewhere deep theres a knowing that says "NOT YET.....SOON"

The Wood Element is just around the corner, Spring Equinox to be exact.  But there are still a few weeks left before we're there.

And rather than just power through and start taking action now, even though I can't completely see the path. There is likely something missing....a final piece of the puzzle that needs alignment before the path I'm to take can be revealed. If I make my move now, it just might not have the impact that I want it to. A swing and a miss is possibly what I'm rushing into.

When the time is right, I'll know.  I will have a without a doubt clear and steady step to take.  There might be a little fear in there that makes me second guess for a quick second, but that deeper knowing will speak up again telling me that the time is "NOW."

My steady step will be waiting for me.

The Water Element while flowy and sometimes still is also a major catalyst to set the wheels in motion.  I can't stop it, once it starts.

So it's best to make sure I'm ON BOARD with all of it, emotionally, physically, spiritually, before that current takes it.  I will have way less obstacles to navigate if I am aligned with my actions and my greatest roles and relationships are being served by what's coming next.

"If I Rush It, I'll Wreck It"

Somewhere deep knows this to be true.

And better yet, maybe my procrastination isn't always my sabotage but my genius.

Taking the next few weeks to breathe and feeling into the moment when everything says "NOW"Are you feeling this occur in your own life right now?

Take a breath and ask yourself is your upcoming action/direction aligned with your integrity and authentic self?

NO - Stop

Almost - Wait, let Water reveal a little more, then ask yourself again

Yes - You've likely already started, and you certainly don't need my permission.  GO FOR IT!

XO Ashley


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