Inspiration and the willingness to dream

Originally Posted Jan 5, 2023

We’ve successfully entered the early days of 2023! How do you feel about it?

For many years I’ve written and shared about how the new year isn’t necessarily the time to go hard and fast towards ones goals. Prior to the 1500's we followed the energetic cycling of the seasons, the sun and the moon. Which explains why most people give up on their resolutions three weeks in. Energetics!

In the northern hemisphere we are currently governed by the Water element, and in the Southern part of the world, Fire is lighting the way!

What does this mean exactly? Both are incredibly different energetics that hold immense gifts and guidance, but because one can be found at the very bottom and the other the top of the 5 Element wheel they also have a lot in common. I will say that what they are not is a disciplined drill sergeant holding you to your commitments and yelling all of the “should's” at you to push you to act.

Instead in their own way, they offer you an opportunity to tap into your souls desires, to dream and be inspired.

They are both requiring you to discern what goals, conditioning and directions are pulling at you that may not be really what you want to accomplish but sound like a good idea, from those that come from your heart and soul with the capacity to enliven your whole being.

This doesn’t mean that all of those other ones are a bad idea and you shouldn’t pursue them, however, I believe its best to see how they come in to support your wider dreams and desires. This will provide greater context as to why you would want to get up early to fit in your workout, or journal every day or meal prep your lunches, or…or..or. You know what ones show up every year at this time where you tell yourself this will be the year.

Either way, start with the dreams and initiations of your soul that maybe don’t make sense. They may not have as clear of a direction on what you should do and thats okay.

If you find yourself in the Northern hemisphere, spend some time with the Water Element. Visit a body of water, hydrate yourself, reflect on the qualities and values that you most want to have represented in your lived experience. Allow yourself to DREAM, really big.

If you’re in the south, go have some fun. Let the lightness and inspiration of the heat stoke your desire. Be spontaneous, enjoy the sun and seek supportive community. Follow the sparks, and see where they take you.

What is true for both, is a reminder to now hold it all so tightly. Let it flow in, embody the feeling and the inspiration and let any parts that don’t yet feel right fall away. In time, the path will become clear, and the plan on how to execute will arise. The structure and drive will show up when it’s time. Trust me, Wood and Metal will both come in to support you when you’re ready for them.

For right now, give yourself the permission to let inspiration overcome you and have faith that a life you love is not only possible, but available and waiting for you.

Try out these prompts to get you started!

Writing prompt

What inspires me in this moment?

How can I bring more of this inspiration into my life right now?

What values and qualities do I want to embody more fully at this time?




Reaffirming your vision, and what to do when you feel like its lost


When holding on is no longer supportive