Reaffirming your vision, and what to do when you feel like its lost

Originally Posted Mar 26, 2023

In the early days of a new season, we have an opportunity to turn our attention inward and listen to our inner knowing in a very profound way. Naturally we can always turn inward, our knowing doesn’t go on a holiday. However, when there's a shift in the outer energies, we have the capacity (if were willing) to hear the call of our soul more easily.

This can be an affirming nudge that you’re headed in the right direction to keep following the path that is in front of you. That the seeds you sowed a few seasons ago are starting to sprout. Or it might show up as an upheaval, inviting you to clean and clear out everything that is no longer working and start fresh.

Either or, there's something that will be beneficial to support you in embracing the shifts that are taking place.


Governed by the Wood Element and one of its Core Requirements, your vision provides clarity on where you’re going. Offering you a consistent thread to hold on to when attempting to bring an emerging desire to its manifestation.

Without it, it can be incredibly difficult to cultivate the motivation to get started or keep going in the face of adversity.

But what happens if you feel as though you’ve lost your vision. If what felt true and expansive before, now feels tight, restrictive and uninspired? For anyone, but especially a wood type a lack of vision leaves one feeling completely lost, with no way to navigate how to come back to feeling empowered and engaged?

If you’re finding yourself here its important to not get too far ahead of yourself. Set your sights not on a far off future but instead looking at what is right in front of you.

Holding your attention to the current season whether it be the next couple of days, weeks or months, rather than the over-arching ambition of how this season fits into your larger legacy. By staying rooted in the present even when it feels uncertain will help you to not get overwhelmed and further flustered.

I then would invite you to start by asking yourself a few questions? I encourage you to either get out your journal, or take a walk out in nature as you ponder these, which ever feels best.

What qualities do I wish to embody (ie. feelings or values) as my future me? You may look to others for inspiration, though be mindful of how this could pull you into comparison or themes of unworthiness.

What actions am I being initiated to engage with at this time?

How is serendipity or connections with others revealing themselves to me right now? How do these reflect the embodiment that I desire to achieve?

If I were to follow these themes and actions what is possible for me in the next 30, 60 or 90 days? If you’re unsure, are you willing to be curious?

Take your time. Trust that the Wood element is productive. A little goes a long way, and by being intentional and starting with the smallest of steps the capacity to generate a great deal of momentum is absolutely possible. Connecting to your vision for the next couple of days or weeks can easily provide you with that overarching theme and direction for the next year or even your legacy.

All that’s required of you is to be willing to start small, and trust energy. This season will rise to support you in breathing new life into all that you do and what you desire to make a reality.




Inspiration and the willingness to dream