Its Written In Your Bones

Originally Posted Sept 11, 2018

Most Medicine was written by men and for men to practice.

While I’m not familiar with all of the nuances that exist within each medicine, I know this to be true or at the very least my own experience and practice of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine.

At times, this reality has left me feeling a little lost in my practice. There is this reverence of lineage and secrets that has transcended our medicine and at times I have felt incredibly separate from those that we’re deemed in the know or part of the club. I didn’t learn from a master of 27th degree, nor did I attend this one lecture from a teacher that has long ago died.

Don’t get me wrong there are incredible teachers out there today translating the manuscripts and bringing even more depth to what our medicine is capable of. Quite a few of them women, but I don’t think that I’m alone when I say that there is a level of support for female practitioners that is missing across all modalities.

In an effort to find my place, I have sought out two female mentors Lorie Dechar and Randine Lewis to help me hone my skill and support my voice which has been monumental to where I am in this moment, And in speaking with one of them last week, discussing this very issue, I remembered a saying that I had heard at a retreat a few years ago.

Women in medicine didn’t have the opportunity to write down their work and knowledge, it likely would have been hidden, burned or destroyed.

To protect it we shared it in story and instead of paper we wrote it in our bones.

We placed our knowledge with in our bodies so that it would never be taken away from us.Each time we come into sacred sisterhood and community, where we share our stories, move our bodies and embody our SELF, our medicine comes forward from our flesh to be heard and shared.

The more we are able to be seen as we are, to know ourselves and fully embody our lived experience, our inner knowing and wisdom becomes available for us to pass it on to those that need it.

XO Ashley


Should's... Medicine? or Just a Guilt Trip?


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