Making the Most of Your Element

Originally Posted Apr 29, 2015

Last week I introduced you to the magic of the 5 Elements and a lot of you took the quiz to find out your dominant Element. (If you haven’t done this you can do so by clicking here) and then....

I got lots of emails and questions asking me, so I’m a (Element) what does that mean and what do I do with that?

A lot of that information is included in the report that will be swiftly delivered to your inbox, but there is so much more and truthfully it takes a little time to really make sense of it all. But, this is what I can tell you, to get you started.

Consider this the crash course of Making the Most of Your Element

1. You have a dominant element.

Consider this your primal nature, where you go to seek refuge when life is getting tough this may not always be in a balanced nature but it nurtures you unlike the others. This is also the place of your greatest strengths, the qualities that help you create, and give direction to your reality.

2. You may have more than one dominant element,

or a very close second or third. How can you find this out, take the quiz manually and tally up all of your answers to get a better reflection of how all of these qualities come together to make you tick.

3. Be open to the possibility that you exist in one element in certain circumstances

i.e. at work, you really wear a wood element hat, but when you are in comforts of your home you exist with a much more of a water quality that flows.

Life is complex and the elements aren’t entirely black and white. Every single one of us, has a balance of all of the elements, in complete balance we would draw from each quality as required and not cling to one tendency more than another. (This is a quality of a yogi in the mountain untouched by the stresses of society, so please don’t compare yourself to that, if you do your being ridiculous, this is not a place where we should aim for perfection)

4. When we get clarity on who we are, we can empower ourselves from a different Centre.

Our Heart gets to speak up and be heard. Rather than constantly criticize the areas where we are falling short we can acknowledge that we may need support or to borrow this area of genius from another place, and really respect the areas where we excel. When you tally the results, is there an element that is almost missing in your make up, do you struggle with those qualities. This is often a place where you can begin to develop so that it is strengthened and be drawn from when required.

As and Earth element, I am a natural nurturer, I can meet pretty much anyone where they’re at to provide the container for them to feel safe to express themselves how they wish (Awesome for my job). Flip side, I SUCK at boundaries and I let people take advantage of this quality where my Earth then gets depleted. So, I borrow this area from the tiny bit of metal that I have that understands the purpose and strategy to me saying no or being particular on what I choose to do outside of work. (This is an action that is not in my natural tendency it kicks me in the gut every time I say no and can feel someones disappointment so its a constant navigation to bring balance back to my earth so it may thrive)

5. Different phases of life, Bring us to inhabit more of one Element than others.

You will always have your constitutional element at play at all times but, during particular stages of life you will be called to utilize the strengths and strategies that are at play in the moment.

In our teens and early 20’s are primarily Wood driven, Its all about the vision, the planning and then putting those plans into action. We want to be out in the world and be seen as an individual having success and direction

In my practice with women in their late 20’s early 30’s when that so called "biological clock" is ticking we are all about the earth, and wanting to find their way in this process of wanting to be a mother by bringing attention to the qualities of their Earth Element to gestate and birth babies, ideas and bring creativity to light.

6. The elements of the Season also get to play.

Right now, we are well into Spring and the dynamics of the wood element are in full force. For most of us, spring is a time to clean house and set our priorities, we often set the foundation for the coming months in this time much like the trees are beginning to bud and sprouts will shoot up from the ground so that at a later day they may be fruit a bountiful harvest.

7. There is no right or wrong to this process, Just Awareness.

If you were struck by how in sync the description of discovering your element was then I encourage you to drop into it a little deeper, allow the yearning for self-discovery to invite you into your depths and see what arises.

Play around with this concept and share with me how it feels to think of you and your surroundings as Elements. This stuff gets really fun especially when we start seeing it in our relationships. (Future post coming soon).

XO Ashley


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