New Beginnings

Originally Posted Apr 21 2015

I’m so excited that you are here, its been a long time where I have wanted to show you a reflection and space that can actually showcase of my truest heart and my desires of myself and every woman.  (Sometimes the logistics of technology slows this down, but it’s finally here)

As a lot of you know that this space was (and still is a little) a fertility site for advice and tips on getting pregnant and in balance to allow for the possibility of a baby. 

But, something was missing.  I wasn’t not being truthful about what I was writing about but I didn’t feel inspired.  I honestly thought that what I was writing about was a dime a dozen and you could find the information on a number of other blogs and books.  I was struggling to find my voice and I would often find myself crying prior to hitting publish, knowing that I had so much more to say I just didn’t know how.

And then about 10 months ago, I had a dream (which doesn’t happen a lot for me - It’s an Earth Element thing)  but what came out of it, was that I had to walk away from fertility for a while.  I had to toss my entire concept and start fresh. 

At first I was frightened.  My entire identity was wrapped up in being a fertility expert and I had spent a considerable amount of time and effort to get where I was at.  But, as I let this realization sink in, a weight was lightened on my shoulders and I knew it had to happen, even for just a little while.

And I started to Play, Explore and Find My Hearts Desire again without being in search of labels and what it all means.

This process helped me rediscover my medicine, the magic and art that existed underneath all of the biology and mechanics.  Enter my love of the 5 Elements and how I relate to the world and to everyone I meet. 

I allowed time for the season of my current life cycle, a working mom with a busy fertility pregnancy practice and an even busier toddler.

I came back to my roots, raised working class and having parents that were pragmatic, loving and didn’t have time for BS.  The gem of this upbringing has allowed me the ability to see through the smoke and mirrors of most situations and get to what really matters and to what people need. 

I embraced my femininity in an entirely new light, allowing the airy-fairy woo-woo to have a place in my heart through dance, tarot and all things divine. 

I found a renewed yearning for creating community, for women to be authentic, supportive and sisters to one another.  Affirming my declaration in doing my part to end internalized sexism.

And through that, I found my voice.   

And the New Love, Life Truth & No BS

A statement that has found me and fuelled me with each decision that I have made to come to this point.

So welcome to our new online home! Take some time to get to know the place, and especially read through the new about page so you have an even deeper sense of what we’re doing here.

I do hope you enjoy this new space, where I will share my own take on living a life led by your design, not anyone else’s but your own.  With resources and advice on how to drop back into your heart and experience the confirmation of your own inner wisdom. 

Your heart already knows the path, its just a matter of letting it lead. 

To get started you can take the Quiz and discover your Element.  Click here to do that now.

Thank you for being here. Thank you for supporting me and my dream. I can’t wait to spend more time together here.

XO and all my love


Making the Most of Your Element


Your Period Isn't Your Enemy