Writing Heals

Originally Posted Feb 3, 2022

I never in a million years would have called myself a writer. In fact, I would tell you with very strong conviction that through high school and university, writing papers was one of my least favourite things to do.

I never really liked journalling either, except for the part where you get to go to the stationary store and pick out a brand new journal and with it a fancy pen.

And then something changed. After the birth of my son E, I found myself journalling to get my feelings out on paper. The isolation that is often accompanied with new motherhood was the pressure cooker that initiated me to putting my thoughts on paper. Eventually, writing became something different for me.

It was no longer about performance, grades or what people thought.

It was just me and a blank sheet of paper.

Every time that I showed up to write, sometimes out of necessity because otherwise I thought I was going to burst but more often because I wanted to ponder a question. Tired of having it live in my head I wanted to write it down and allow my own answers to come forward to help me heal and understand myself.

What started as a refuge for me to stay afloat on the rollercoaster of new motherhood, then became a blog for my business, in the first year or so, I stuck pretty close to what I thought I “should” write and share. (Fertility, Acupuncture, and vitamins).

In time, I felt more brave and had the courage to start sharing more of myself, my life, the lens that I see the world through with the 5 Elements in my writing through essays and love letters. Only to realize that I had a book in me. Lots of books actually.

Leading to this past spring and 5 Element Alchemy becoming a real thing that I can hold and see in a book store, every day I still can’t quite believe that it happened.

Fully acknowledging that really this is only the beginning and with it a realization that I want to support others in allowing words and writing to be a sacred practice that opens the door to trusting themselves.

A healing salve for the heart and a portal to being in a deeper relationship with your soul and the way that it wants to be expressed.

Which is why I created Sacred Words a Devotional Writing container that includes:

  • Weekly writing prompts to invoke healing, unlearning and heart opening

  • Community,

  • Live Q and A’s with me

  • A monthly writing retreat (that I’m incredibly excited to offer)

  • 5 Element Magic

  • and so much more awaits!

If you’re ready to allow writing to weave itself into your being in a meaningful way.

Click here to join me in Sacred Words

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