5 Questions for Your Becoming

Originally Posted Dec 21, 2021

Soul is simple. Though its easy for us to want to overcomplicate it.

In a world that is so terribly confusing, its only natural to fall into thinking that accessing our heart and our truest expression must also be that.

As Solstice drew nearer and the calendar year comes to a close, I found myself wanting to write and listen more deeply to my heart. This year has been a lot for me with the highest of highs releasing my debut book 5 Element Alchemy and then the lows of losing my dad all in the same week. Along with so many other experiences and moments that fall somewhere in between on the emotional spectrum.

During this time of reflection I wanted to provide you with a road map of sorts to help guide you into this beautiful and magical time of transitions, but my mind wanted to muddle it up in hopes of making it more meaningful.

Truth be told I had a list of almost 30 questions and prompts to share with you. But at some point as I started writing in my own responses which is how most journalling prompts go through their own editing process before I share them. They all just felt like they were asking the same thing.

So I scrapped them.

And Instead, I got really quiet, I asked myself, what questions do I really need to spend time with right now and then I proceeded to write out only five prompts that felt like they encompassed the medicine that my heart needed most.

Soul is simple. Inquiry into your edges does not need to be complicated. I hope that these 5 questions reveal the medicine that is most poignant for your heart at this time.

Over the next few days I invite you to light a candle, connect with your altar, or just grab a cup of tea and sit in your favourite chair and reflect on these 5 questions.

1) What Went Well For Me This Past Year?

Write it out, Share it, Have gratitude for it, Celebrate it!

2) What Was Challenging For Me This Past Year?

Write it out, Acknowledge it, Forgive (if forgiveness is required to yourself or other people), Let your emotions move through you. Allow the heaviness in your body to soften and its imprint feel just a little bit lighter to hold.

3) What Did I Learn?

From everything that went well and the challenges that revealed new edges and opportunities for growth.

Write it, Pray on it, Move it through your body, Bless it.

4) What Dreams & Desires Do You Wish To Experience And Receive In The Coming Year?

This isn’t a place for how they’re going to happen. The liminal space the occurs in the transition of the Metal and Water Elements of the north and Wood and Fire of the south. This magical time between Solstice and New Year, it isn’t for planning. At least not the way that we are conditioned to plan.

Right now is the time for the big dreams to swirl around in your awareness and land in new ways that perhaps you can’t foresee at this time. Steady steps will arrive when their ready to show up for you. Have faith.

Suspend your wanting to know how its all going to turn out for just a little while and trust that those dreams were placed in your heart for a reason.

Write them out. Claim them. Dance them in to your body so that you can feel their expression within your cells. Cast wishes into the ethers and celebrate your initiation into this next stage your journey.


5) What Supports Do I need In This Space of Becoming?

You may want to first let the previous question settle into your awareness before taking action on this last question. Feel in to it and trust that you’ll know when its time.

People. infrastructure, practices? This is the place where you can direct your "need to plan and know" for the time being. As you are suspended between two worlds, the person you were and the one that you’re becoming.

Who and what needs to be present to help you start moving in the direction of your truest expression?

Writing, movement or a meditation practice (maybe all three), a house cleaner, a coach or healer, community? You decide, your soul knows.

If the list starts getting long, take a breath and feel into each of the supports you’ve written. If you can distill it down even more do it!

There is no rush, you don’t have to do everything all at once. Start with one thing, you will know when you require another.

Simplicity reigns in language of your souls expression.

Trust in the fact that soul is simple.

If you feel called to share how these questions landed for you, please feel free to hit reply to this email I would love to witness them for you.

In the meantime,

I want to extend a heartfelt thank you for being in community with me.

For those of you that bought and read my book. I am so deeply grateful.

I'm wishing you a very abundant and expansive solstice and year to come!




Writing Heals


Letting Go to Create the Conditions