Love Letter no.001 I want to see your Fire

It doesn’t hurt anyone if you speak a little louder

Take up a little more space

It may feel like your sucking all the hot air out of the room, but I assure you, you’re not.

Not Even Close.

What feels big, loud and uncomfortable is really still quite small.


I want to see you shine, sing, dance, BE YOU from the furthest seat in the room.

I want to know you’re here the second you walk in the room.

I want to celebrate and welcome you home.

Your Inner Fire is meant to be seen, felt, heard and understood.

Do the things that remind you that it there.

Come closer to the flame and let it burn.

I love you,


PS. I’m trying something new.

As I’ve been diving back into the second draft of my book I’ve struggled to write and share in the way that you’re accustomed to. However, these love letters have started to come thru me and I want to share them with you.

I will be sharing more about them in my Instagram stories throughout the week and within my Free FB Community. YEP, if you’re already in there, I have opened it back up and I’m ready for your questions, and shares about how the 5 Elements are revealing their medicine to you in your everyday life.

If you want to join CLICK HERE!




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