Freedom to Make Adjustments…

Originally Posted May 11, 2022

I’m an Earth Element dominant individual and with that comes a tendency to make a decision about something and stay loyal to it even when its no longer beneficial. The weight that I put towards every action and decision is that whatever I choose will then be that way for eternity.

No take backs, No changes. What I said it will be is going to be that way, FOREVER!

The energy of it all is heavy, and not helpful, it leads me to being incredibly indecisive and noncommittal which only makes way for inaction and nothing moving forward.

When the reality is that you are free to change your mind.

You are free to experiment and adjust as it makes sense so that everything can come into greater alignment.

If I’m honest the number of times that I repeat to myself that “I’m an adult, and I get to choose” is kind of embarrassing. But this idea of being able to outgrow decisions of our former selves or even just make small adjustments to what I’m currently doing is a huge edge and place of growth for me.

One of those changes comes in the form of making adjustments to the Sacred Words program.

If you’ve been thinking about this program then you’re going to want to pay attention, because the changes are really amazing.

In the beginning of creating this program I gave myself 3 months to figure out what was the best way for me to offer this program (that in itself is GROWTH). After much reflection I’ve decided to change this offering from a membership format to a program with lifetime access.

What that means is that Sacred Words is now available for a one time fee or 4 monthly payments. Currently this price is a discounted BETA price. The price will increase significantly at a later date.

I’m really excited about this change and for those of you that have been putting it off until you have more time to dedicate to writing and participating. There’s no excuse anymore.

Writing happens when you choose to write.

You find the time when you make the time.

This program is designed to help you become more intentional and able to devote time and energy to your words.

Join me! It’s going to be a lot of fun. The writing retreats which are included in the program are absolutely incredible. Plus I will be adding in a few bonus masterclasses to this program with regard to book writing and publishing.

For more info and to sign up: Click Here

More changes and shifts are coming, I’m kind of on a roll so stay tuned.

In the meantime? I’ll leave you with these writing prompts.

What decisions or directions have I outgrown? How is my my soul asking me to shift?




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