Let's Bring On the Fire

Originally Posted Jun 10, 2022

There is a pervasive notion that channeling your creativity needs to be done in isolation.

That being a creative is a lonely journey.

And, that doing deeper work is only possible when done in solitude.


It’s so much more nuanced that this.

Yes, the Water Element is a huge player in assisting you in being able to hear your inner wisdom more clearly, and often this is done on a meditation pillow or a solo walk through nature. Whatever your process is.

But, all of the other Elements are also present and have their own medicine to help you tap in and bring your authentic expression outwards.

Sometimes...actually more than just sometimes, you need a little Fire to help shake things up and get the creative juices flowing.

The cure to a creative block is often to go out and do life. Reigniting the sparks of inspiration through community, celebration and spontaneity.

This also translates to those times when you find yourself in a life rut, uninspired by your routine, progress or current life circumstance.

The antidote is Fire. Your soul is craving community, warmth and fun!​




You Have To Choose It


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