You Have To Choose It

Originally Posted Jun 21 2022

If you’ve been in my space for some time you know that Fire is a season that I struggle with. For so long my relationship to this season and element has been one that I’ve kept at arms length with resolve that I just have to put my head down and get through it.

Don’t get me wrong there are some lovely aspects of the Fire Element and even the summer season, they’re just not what come top of mind as I brace for an impending assault of heat and the chaos that I am accustomed to meeting at this time of year.

At least that’s been my experience until now.

Something’s changed, I would like to say that its been a transition occurring over the past few years and perhaps in part because E is now 9 and each summer has become more sweet and special as I get to greet this season through his eyes and excitement.

It’s changed enough to notice that as I sat down to write this past week my associations have shifted. Yes, Fire can still be a bit chaotic, loud, hot and dramatic, but there's also this sustainable, enduring, warmth underneath that feels so attractive to me at the moment. In fact, I wouldn’t mind spending some time here.

It’s sweet, playful, perhaps a little sassy and most of all it's welcoming. It’s inviting me to choose differently. To see the world and this time, season and observance in a new light.

But here lies the opportunity. I have to choose it. I have to be willing to see something different in order to cultivate a new relationship with it. A passive observance is only going to get me so far, at some point there will be a crossroads where if I were choose to jump in and go for it, it’s possible to fully emerge and experience something incredible moving forward. I won't know until I make the choice and cross the threshold.

Bu tif I do, it's going to require my active participation. And this year, I intend to experience Fire differently. To seek out its expansion and rather than self isolate and hide away where it’s cool - not just physically. I’m prepared to be more present and more available. Bringing me back to carving out a little more time for myself and really let it sink in.

It would be easy to just get caught up in all of the activities that are already jamming the calendar full, but part of my all in, means that I cultivate and steward this budding relationship to Fire and all that it has to offer. Physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Observance alone isn’t going to cut it. Being a social butterfly isn’t it either.

This is the intention of the Fire Seasonal Writing Retreat. To be in the energy of Fire and allow it’s medicine and soulful prompts to allow my deeper knowing to lead me into a more embodied and sacred relationship to this season and all that it has to offer.

So far we have an incredible and intimate group of individuals joining and if you’re feeling called to carve out a little time on a Sunday morning to write and allow your soul’s wisdom to find its way onto the page, I would be honoured to have you join us.

​Click Here for Details and Sign Up Info​

See you on the 26th.




There is power in naming it


Let's Bring On the Fire