How Confidence Can Be Found Inside Your Closet


The Metal Element is beginning to reveal itself and with it comes a new found sense and need for structure, organization and ritual.

Most often, the easiest way to soften this transition is to begin the process of refining whats already there. Anything and everything is up for reorganization from our homes through to our own masks and identities.

Some are easier than others and I find it’s usually best to start with something simple. Like what we hold on to and store in our homes. Something like our clothes.

I always find it’s easiest to do a little work in my closet at this time year. Seasonally I’m wearing what I most love so my overall outlook on my clothes is good so I’m open to the idea that I could love them even more.

This year I really wanted to take this idea of loving my clothes and having my style reflect who I am to a new level, so I decided to participate in my friend Melanie Kluger’s of HOHwithMelanie online program The Confident Closet.

I’ve admired Melanie’s style for years since we first met a few years ago, her little girl and E are the same age so I felt comfortable talking to her about how much my body had changed and how it kind of turned my outlook on clothes and style upside down after my pregnancy.

And If I’m really honest with myself I’m quite envious of her confidence and how she pulls an outfit together. We spent 3 days at the same event and every day I kept thinking I would have never thought to put an outfit together like that. I wish I could do it.

So, she seemed like the perfect person to help me discover my authentic style and feel free to let go of the clothes that weren’t that. Even when I’ve paid good money for them, which usually makes me put them back on the hanger and then I feel bad every time I pass over them and not wear them.

I’m 3 weeks in, it’s actually a 6 week course that you can take as much time as you need, and so far, I have further refined my self care habits, gotten clearer on what my actual style is and how to dress my shape, and now I’ve started to purge my closet.

I can’t believe I’m saying this, but it’s been relatively easy, and I can’t believe what I’m getting rid of. Pencil skirts and dress pants that I haven’t worn since before I was pregnant and working in my former clinic space (so we’re talking 2011) dresses and shoes that I feel like I should like but don’t really feel amazing in when I put them on.

its-gonna-be-a-partySweaters that leave me a little meh! The list goes on and on. When I first started I really didn’t think I would get rid of much. Just learn to repurpose it. But when I took the time to really feel into how it made me feel, it absolutely couldn’t go back on the hanger for another day.

I really can’t believe how much I’ve learned about myself, just “CHUNKING” a little time with my clothes and jewelry.

And the clothes that I’m keeping I’m learning how to put them together in a way that brings me confidence with a feeling that I’m not just wearing clothes but an outfit.

If you’re feeling the desire to experience a new confidence with your clothing and feel joyful about getting dressed every morning. I highly recommend Melanie’s program. (this is not an affiliate link, just LOVE LOVE LOVE for Melanie and how timely her release of this program has coincided with the welcoming of the Metal element).

If you want to check out more info about the program and learn more about Melanie you can check her out by clicking here.



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