A Woman You Must Know

For anyone that knows me, they know that anything tech related or having to do with computers has never really been my thing. The online world, health coaching and even putting myself out there is a rather new concept to me. So how did I get here? What made me decide that this was an option for my business?  The answer: Sarah Jenks!

I was happy running a little acupuncture practice in Calgary, Canada centered on Fertility, Pregnancy and Women’s health. I loved my clients and clinic, they were everything I dreamed of when I started school. Except I had this deep desire that was asking to be fueled, I wanted something more. I just didn’t know what it was.

In the winter of 2012 I stumbled on a blog written by the beautiful, real and very present Sarah Jenks. Something about her writing and her message spoke to me. Sarah’s website and her business is centered around healing from emotional eating and not waiting on the weight, building a life that is fueled by fun, excitement, mindfulness, self-care and so much more. Not only had I struggled with disordered eating for most of my life and the better part of my figure skating days, I also craved to cultivate more fun and freedom in my life. I looked forward to Sarah’s weekly newsletter and blogs popping in my inbox using her resources and watching her walk her talk was a breath of fresh air, she inspired me to start living my life.

That spring Sarah launched her first ever Live More Weigh Less group coaching program. I had just gotten home from spending 3 weeks in Europe for our honeymoon where I pretty much ate croissant’s, pizza, pasta and gelato everyday (none of it gluten free) . Needless to say I was ready to get back to me, and Sarah’s program felt like just the right way to do it. In the first month of LMWL I integrated fun and balance into my daily routine, I found my way back to my healthy eating habits and…. I found out I was pregnant with Baby E!

Honouring myself and feeling into everything good that I had created in my life lit a spark. I could put myself out there. I could possibly help women who desired a baby outside of my little clinic. I have so much information with regard to getting pregnant, naturally, healthy, empowered and with ease. I could possibly be that person for someone else what Sarah was and still is for me.

Sarah herself is a new mom and I can’t wait to see how her experiences with her little one will shape her message, life and future programs and with that I wanted to say a BIG THANK YOU and shout out to Sarah!

If you want to check her out and learn more about her hop on over to her site www.sarahjenks.com you won’t be disappointed.

In the comments below tell me about who has inspired you.



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